Hans Van Mol
$3,400Total Contributions
$3,514Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,000.00 | Kane John for Senate |
$500.00 | Houlahan Chrissy for Congress |
$500.00 | Rudi Van Mol |
$250.00 | Comitta Carolyn Friends Of |
$150.00 | Murph Wysocki |
$100.00 | Charlotte Valyo |
$100.00 | David Rhoads |
$100.00 | Friends of Michele Vaughn |
$100.00 | Jennie Eisenhower |
$100.00 | Kasi Bhaskar |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$2,794.31 | Hans Van Mol |
$175.49 | Giordano's |
$171.36 | Diane Van Mol |
$110.00 | PA Democratic Party |
$108.15 | Macy's |
$74.68 | Stripe Inc |
$46.57 | Actblue Technical Services |
$33.08 | United Center |
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