When it comes to the money in Ohio politics, these are the names that you are viewing the most so far. See the top five entities in each category (Candidates, Donors, PACs, and Payees) that generated the greatest interest in Q2 of 2021.
International Association of Sheet Metal Air Rail and Transportation Workers Political Action League
Ohio Committee
$0Total Contributions
$0Total Expenditures
Financial Activity
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A bill is making its way through the 134th Ohio General Assembly this year that would have major implications on campaign finance law. House Bill 13 seeks to regulate the disclosure of private money donated to 501c4 organizations — often referred to as “dark money” groups.
The For the People Act of 2021—known as H.R. 1 in the House and S.1 in the Senate—was introduced in the US House on January 4 as a primary concern of the Biden administration, and passed in the U.S. House on March 3rd.