Robert Hanseman
$144,757Total Contributions
$167,024Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$141,895.67 | Robert Hanseman |
$1,400.00 | Ron Kozar |
$500.00 | William Martin |
$250.00 | Christopher Cowen |
$250.00 | Kenneth May |
$100.00 | Jason Mowry |
$100.00 | Scott Colwell |
$100.00 | William Hanseman |
$86.20 | Wright Patt Credit Union |
$50.00 | Belinda Kenley |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$146,030.00 | Matchstick Media Strategies |
$18,959.58 | 29:11 Strategies |
$1,823.86 | Early Express |
$68.84 | Raise the Funds |
$67.70 | Raise the Money Inc |
$53.76 | Constant Content Co |
$20.00 | Wright Patt Credit Union |
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