David Donofrio
$2,570Total Contributions
$1,602Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | David Donofrio |
$250.00 | Antoinette Wilson |
$200.00 | David Donofrio |
$100.00 | Jason Davis |
$100.00 | Jennifer Wiseman |
$100.00 | Jeremy Blake |
$100.00 | Jessica Malagisi |
$100.00 | Joydeep Gupta |
$100.00 | Kawther Musa |
$100.00 | Kyle Barger |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$450.00 | Ngp Van Inc |
$368.08 | Fireball Press |
$300.00 | Stac Labs |
$286.42 | 3 Brothers Diner |
$116.96 | beenverified.com |
$28.14 | namebadges.com |
$26.40 | Walmart Inc PAC for Responsible Government |
$26.25 | ActBlue |
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