Committee chair fundraising
Shawnna Bolick
Arizona State Senate District 2
$185,414Total Contributions
$20,932Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$14,446.30 | Aggregated Unitemized Contributions |
$10,000.00 | Carleen and Daniel F Brophy |
$10,000.00 | Freedom Club PAC |
$6,500.00 | Realtors of AZ PAC (Rapac) |
$5,400.00 | Elijah Norton |
$5,400.00 | Ken Kendrick |
$5,400.00 | Martha Goode |
$5,400.00 | Randy Kendrick |
$5,400.00 | Rob Walton |
$5,400.00 | Stephen Goode |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$5,386.54 | Aggregated Unitemized Expenditures |
$4,169.55 | Mesa Sign Shop |
$2,552.30 | United States Postal Service |
$2,319.85 | The Rocket Science Group LLC |
$1,690.00 | Ryne Bolick |
$1,368.80 | Anedot Inc |
$1,085.44 | Grassroots Partners LLC |
$871.23 | Apple Store |
$486.80 | Shawnna Bolick |
$306.58 | Uprinting |
Top Personal Contributions
From reports filed by the recipients of these funds, it appears these transactions originated from personal rather than campaign accounts.
No Records
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