
$281,981,350Total Contributions
$258,735,108Total Expenditures
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Current State Office
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Total Contributions
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Total Expenditures
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William K Hoover
Del Pepper
Lizzie Drucker-Basch
Christopher Granger
Robert Tracci
Thomas Blackwell Sr
Kelly Hebron
Neil Steinberg
Gerald Douglas Arrington
Ricardy Anderson
Chris Grisafe
George E Schaefer III
Paul Smedberg
Josh Cumbow
Steven Brown
Amy Laufer
Virginia House of Delegates District 55
Democratic Party
DVirginia House of Delegates District 55$0.00$1,038.72
Lisa Merkel
Monique O'Grady
Beau Wright
Veronica Nolan
Jeffrey S Black
Kyle McDaniel
Michael L Sterling
Jerrod Smith Bos
Wendy Hobbs