Joel Trace Finley
$355,003Minimum Amount
$755,000Maximum Amount
Lobbying Clients

This page displays the cumulative amounts these organizations have contracted to pay this lobbyist. Because lobbyists are allowed to report their income in ranges, minimum and maximum amounts are shown.

(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
Min Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Max Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation Private$100,000.00$199,999.98
Seven Seas Water Corporation Private$100,000.00$199,999.98
AECOM Technology Corporation Taxpayer-Funded$50,000.00$99,999.99
SLSCO Ltd Private$50,000.00$99,999.98
Cavallo Energy Texas Taxpayer-Funded$25,000.00$49,999.99
Nueces County Taxpayer-Funded$10,001.00$34,999.98
San Patricio County Taxpayer-Funded$10,001.00$34,999.98
Port of Corpus Christi Taxpayer-Funded$10,000.00$24,999.99
Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum LP Private$1.00$9,999.99