Angela Hale
Legislative Consultant
$150,000Minimum Amount
$300,000Maximum Amount
Lobbying Activity

This page displays the individual prospective contracts made by these clients with this lobbyist for this election cycle.

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(Click to sort ascending)
Min Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Max Amount
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City of McKinney Taxpayer-Funded$25,000.00$49,999.9901/12/201512/31/2015
City of McKinney Taxpayer-Funded$25,000.00$49,999.9901/11/201612/31/2016
McKinney Chamber of Commerce Private$25,000.00$49,999.9901/12/201512/31/2015
McKinney Chamber of Commerce Private$25,000.00$49,999.9901/11/201612/31/2016
McKinney Economic Development Corporation Taxpayer-Funded$25,000.00$49,999.9901/12/201512/31/2015
McKinney Economic Development Corporation Taxpayer-Funded$25,000.00$49,999.9901/11/201612/31/2016