Johnson Controls Inc
$187,590Minimum Amount
$542,550Maximum Amount
Individual Lobbyist Activity

This page displays the individual prospective contracts this lobbyist client has agreed to pay these lobbyists this election cycle.

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(Click to sort ascending)
Min Amount
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Max Amount
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Michael Chance Sampson Consultant$94,440.00$188,889.9901/10/202212/31/2022
Michael Chance Sampson Consultant$93,150.00$186,299.9903/31/202112/31/2021
Amy C Beard Lobbyist$0.00$18,889.9901/26/202212/31/2022
Craig Preston Chick Foley & Lardner LLP$0.00$18,889.9901/26/202212/31/2022
John Sepehri Attorney$0.00$18,889.9901/26/202212/31/2022
Kimberly A Yelkin Attorney$0.00$18,889.9901/26/202212/31/2022
Amy C Beard Lobbyist$0.00$18,359.9901/20/202112/31/2021
Craig Preston Chick Foley & Lardner LLP$0.00$18,359.9901/20/202112/31/2021
John Sepehri Attorney$0.00$18,359.9901/22/202112/31/2021
Kimberly A Yelkin Attorney$0.00$18,359.9901/22/202112/31/2021
Robert F Johnson III Foley & Lardner LLP$0.00$18,359.9901/22/202112/31/2021