Keshia Sandidge
$1,056Total Contributions
$3,734Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | Ngp Van |
$255.00 | Karen Kaser-Odor |
$150.00 | Tanisha Miller |
$76.06 | Aggregated Individual Contribution |
$75.00 | Ednethia Thomas |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,472.50 | Keshia 4 Cabarrus County |
$1,100.00 | Octainious 'Tani' Seymore |
$296.99 | Ac Hotel Raleigh |
$235.95 | Aggregated Non-Media Expenditure |
$186.28 | Holiday Inn Hotels |
$113.51 | Sams Club |
$100.00 | Holden Sides |
$100.00 | North Carolina State Board of Elections (Ncsbe) |
$77.00 | Town of Mount Pleasant |
$51.83 | Lillian's List PAC |
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