Hunt Broyhill
$1,695Total Contributions
$20,731Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$360.00 | Tom Ross |
$310.00 | Brad Lail |
$310.00 | Chip Blackwelder |
$265.96 | Gregg Bergstrom |
$225.00 | Tom Barrett |
$147.26 | Joe Bogdahn |
$76.75 | Aggregated Individual Contribution |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$11,567.26 | Allen Finley Advertising |
$6,331.08 | Markham Hunt 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$674.87 | Susan Sweeting |
$616.32 | Markam Broyhill |
$374.50 | Watauga Democrat |
$365.74 | Printdirtcheap |
$318.75 | High Country Press-Blowing Rock |
$225.00 | Tom Barrett |
$147.26 | Joe Bogdahn |
$35.51 | First Citizens Bank |
Top Loans
Amount | Lender |
$5,000.00 | Markham Hunt 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$5,000.00 | Markham Hunt 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$3,349.34 | Markham Hunt 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$3,000.00 | Markham Hunt 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$2,060.00 | Markham 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$1,000.00 | Markam Broyhill |
$528.00 | Markham 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$220.55 | Markham 'Hunt' Broyhill |
$172.74 | Markham 'Hunt' Broyhill |
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