April Shaeffer
$1,660Total Contributions
$1,276Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$600.00 | Elizabeth Williams |
$260.00 | Alex D Watkins |
$250.00 | Penny Alford |
$200.00 | Ollie Harris |
$175.00 | Aggregated Individual Contribution |
$100.00 | Shelia May |
$75.00 | Mike Magnanti |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,067.50 | Action Graphics |
$87.51 | Vistaprint |
$48.04 | Aggregated Non-Media Expenditure |
$45.00 | Proximity |
$19.75 | Adriano's Pizzeria |
$8.06 | Dollar General |
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