
$293,692,180Total Contributions
$299,258,920Total Expenditures
(Click to sort ascending)
Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
Total Expenditures
(Click to sort ascending)
Reproductive Freedom for All $45,250,239.65$44,568,720.80
Citizens to Support MI Women and Children $21,168,506.61$21,176,674.92
Promote the Vote 2022 $20,688,994.54$20,545,738.61
Let MI Kids Learn $11,571,735.00$11,479,665.88
Michigan Families United (Superpac) $8,418,246.27$8,418,264.26
Michigan Republican Party $7,894,314.03$10,143,735.71
House Republican Campaign Committee $7,749,799.90$7,716,890.04
Michiganders for Fair Lending $7,306,254.00$7,303,178.54
Progress Michigan Political Action Fund (Superpac) $7,124,996.77$7,152,228.49
Senate Republican Campaign Committee $6,905,136.90$10,872,992.91
Democratic State Central Committee $6,315,639.19$2,744,561.93
Get Michigan Working Again (Superpac) $6,060,249.00$5,945,842.68
Michigan House Democratic Fund $5,916,968.18$6,570,062.13
Michigan Senate Democratic Fund $5,002,069.74$7,494,966.35
Conservation Voters of Michigan PAC (Superpac) $4,308,500.00$4,152,417.87
Raise the Wage MI $3,244,110.00$3,243,976.94
Protect MI Vote $2,850,000.00$2,774,774.59
Safe Accessible Fair Elections Michigan (Superpac) $2,830,000.00$2,830,000.00
Protect MI Voter Id $2,807,555.00$2,807,448.13
Michigan Planned Parenthood Votes Superpac $2,765,000.00$2,618,412.72
Forward Majority Action Michigan (Superpac) $2,732,641.41$2,732,071.41
Ivote Ie MI PAC (Super PAC) $2,524,357.18$2,524,337.18
Republican State Leadership Committee Michigan PAC $2,485,800.00$2,525,625.00
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters PAC $2,083,790.55$1,891,674.43
Justice for All (Superpac) $2,070,970.00$2,128,626.57