Mike Calahan
$3,598Total Contributions
$1,693Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,848.10 | Elbert County Republican Central Committee |
$750.00 | Carol S Hinds |
$610.00 | Mike Calahan |
$249.98 | Tom Peterson |
$100.00 | Megan Calahan |
$40.00 | Aidan Calahan |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$694.31 | Elbert County Republican Central Committee |
$581.10 | Rhonda Olsen for Esd Board |
$192.62 | Rhonda Olsen |
$125.00 | Jonathan Waller for Elizabeth School District Director |
$89.59 | Mary Powell for Elizabeth School Board Director |
$10.00 | Firstbanks of Colorado |
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