Sheilah Delfeld
$4,796Total Contributions
$4,796Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,200.00 | Debra Houston |
$1,200.00 | Randy Houston |
$1,200.00 | Ray Campbell |
$1,200.00 | Sheila Crowder |
$1,200.00 | Trampas Stucker |
$1,200.00 | Trinity Stucker |
$1,000.00 | Scott Vejraska |
$600.00 | David Freels |
$600.00 | Jinx Freels |
$500.00 | Earl Campbell |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$2,943.26 | Presscats Inc |
$629.00 | Lindsey Owen White |
$591.22 | Mx2 Printing |
$333.41 | Kelly Connect |
$299.59 | Past Expenses |
$0.00 | Campbell Earl |
$0.00 | Campbell Ray |
$0.00 | Crowder Sheila |
$0.00 | David & Jinx Freels |
$0.00 | Delfeld Sheilah |
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