Keenan Harvey
$5,627Total Contributions
$5,642Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,079.44 | Keenan Harvey (Keenan A. Harvey) |
$1,000.00 | Andrew Cornett |
$800.00 | Kendra Hendrickson |
$584.22 | Harvey Keenan |
$500.00 | Donald Sorensen |
$437.75 | Small Contributions |
$260.73 | Caitlin Cornett |
$260.73 | Candice Foultner |
$208.65 | Karen Harvey |
$156.56 | Jazmyne Fisher |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,803.10 | Minuteman Press Kelso |
$1,086.96 | Washington Secretary of State |
$800.00 | Hendrickson Kendra |
$584.22 | Keenan Harvey |
$465.65 | Uprinting |
$371.65 | Past Expenses |
$250.00 | Carter Venture Solutions |
$250.00 | Rise Graphic Design |
$30.00 | Halvorson Erik |
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