Richard W Donley
Lobbyist - Beer Alliance of Texas
$959,440Minimum Amount
$1,312,570Maximum Amount
Lobbying Clients

This page displays the cumulative amounts these organizations have contracted to pay this lobbyist. Because lobbyists are allowed to report their income in ranges, minimum and maximum amounts are shown.

(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
Min Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Max Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Beer Alliance of Texas LLC Private$959,440.00$1,312,569.96
Andrew Stepanian Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Barkley J Stuart Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Dell Boothe Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Dick Fisher Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Donald Faust Jr Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Erwin Travis Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Faust Donald Jr Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Faust Jr Donald "Don" Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Ferris Jim Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Fisher Dick Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Huggins III Joe O "Bo" Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Jim Ferris Private$0.00$0.00
Jody Fisher Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Joe O Huggins III Unclassified$0.00$0.00
John Johnson Unclassified$0.00$0.00
John Nau Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Nau John Unclassified$0.00$0.00
O'Neal Tim Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Philip Meacham Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Ralph Townes Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Scott O'Neal Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Tim O'Neal Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Townes Ralph Unclassified$0.00$0.00
Travis Erwin Unclassified$0.00$0.00