Marc A Rodriguez
Legislative Consultant
$2,313,420Minimum Amount
$4,801,219Maximum Amount
Lobbying Clients

This page displays the cumulative amounts these organizations have contracted to pay this lobbyist. Because lobbyists are allowed to report their income in ranges, minimum and maximum amounts are shown.

(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
Min Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Max Amount
(Click to sort ascending)
Texas Water Quality Association Private$37,250.00$93,799.98
ACE Cash Express Private$46,580.00$93,149.99
Hernco Private$46,580.00$93,149.99
Motorola Solutions Inc Private$46,580.00$93,149.99
Texas Charter Schools Association Taxpayer-Funded$46,580.00$93,149.99
Electronic Transaction Consultants Corporation Taxpayer-Funded$18,360.00$46,579.99
Fisher Sand and Gravel Company Private$18,360.00$46,579.99
NTT Data Private$18,360.00$46,579.99
S7 Limited Partnership Private$18,360.00$46,579.99
Zachry Industrial Inc Private$18,360.00$46,579.99