Shawn Lovely
$720Total Contributions
$67Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$110.00 | Shawn Lovely |
$100.00 | Anne Ostapiej |
$100.00 | Bonnie Cleaveland |
$100.00 | Lindsay Brown |
$60.00 | Diana Fossum |
$50.00 | Dianna Raczniak |
$50.00 | Karen Riley |
$25.00 | Alison Hefter |
$25.00 | Esther Lapin |
$25.00 | Sheila Winett |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$42.92 | Vistaprint |
$24.28 | Actblue Technical Services |
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