Gena Acree
$14,255Total Contributions
$14,072Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$13,754.82 | Gena Acree |
$500.00 | Gary Cason |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$5,181.59 | Trucolor |
$2,869.06 | South Carolina Republican Party |
$2,357.44 | Vision Screenprinting and Graphics Inc |
$1,400.00 | Trailhead Media |
$450.00 | The Index Journal |
$300.00 | Ocrm |
$287.24 | Vistaprint |
$240.00 | Walhalla Rotary Club |
$202.46 | Shelia Heck |
$170.00 | The Greator Oconee Chamber of Commerce |
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