Timothy C Knight
$2,004Total Contributions
$2,004Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$383.51 | Timothy C Knight |
$300.00 | James Becker |
$200.00 | John G Wingfield |
$150.00 | Charles Rozumalski |
$100.00 | Amanda Fernandez |
$100.00 | Linda K Cross |
$100.00 | Louise Knight |
$100.00 | Matthew T Lacy |
$100.00 | Rafael Pimentel |
$100.00 | Sarah D Meredith |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,015.16 | Cinderhawk Creative |
$543.75 | The Mountain Eagle |
$297.00 | Times-Journal |
$108.00 | Green Wolf Brewing Company |
$39.60 | United States Postal Service |
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