Thomas Fix
$660Total Contributions
$353Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$230.00 | Chris Johnson |
$100.00 | Donald Bringle |
$50.00 | Carmelina Lasillo |
$50.00 | Elaine McKenna |
$50.00 | Linda Tani |
$50.00 | Sheila Marcotte |
$50.00 | Thomas Fix |
$25.00 | Sharon Osborne |
$25.00 | Suzanne Johnson |
$10.00 | Elli Modroukas |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$125.00 | People for Colavita |
$100.00 | Deborah Haley Graphics |
$100.00 | Friends of Alessandro Crocco |
$27.84 | Win Red |
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