Shawn Connolly
$17,319Total Contributions
$13,898Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$4,452.28 | Shawn P Connolly |
$3,430.00 | Unitemized Contribution |
$632.83 | Shawn Connolly |
$500.00 | Assured Partners - Mark Bryne |
$500.00 | Jack Quinn |
$500.00 | Thomas Maloney |
$500.00 | Thomas Pemberton |
$310.00 | Tim Farrell |
$300.00 | David McDermott |
$260.00 | Na Na |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$10,420.00 | Erie County Democratic Committee |
$1,259.46 | Pellicano Vineyard Hamburg Winery |
$1,259.46 | Shawn Connolly |
$724.00 | Facebook Inc / Meta Platforms Inc |
$200.00 | Mark Mulville Photographer |
$35.49 | Squarespace Inc |
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