Michelle Newvine
$1,540Total Contributions
$1,270Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$800.00 | Oswego County Democratic Committee |
$500.00 | Democratic Action Womens Network |
$50.00 | Mary Helander |
$50.00 | Mona Heck |
$40.00 | Denise Wolniak |
$25.00 | Brenda Callen |
$25.00 | Michelle Newvine |
$20.00 | Dale Tomlinson |
$20.00 | Michelle Dunn |
$10.00 | Mike Henry |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$583.32 | Mitchells Speedway Press |
$453.83 | Yardsigns Plus |
$107.99 | amazoncom Services LLC |
$80.36 | Lock 1 Distillery |
$44.52 | United States Postal Service |
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