Michael John
$4,508Total Contributions
$4,508Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,422.60 | Michael Major |
$750.00 | Skaneateles Republican Committee |
$500.00 | Brandon for Congress Ny22 |
$500.00 | Martin Hubbard |
$400.00 | Charles Major |
$250.00 | Elizabeth Dreyfuss |
$200.00 | Mark Major |
$100.00 | Joseph Goethe |
$100.00 | Kevin McAndrew |
$100.00 | William Marquardt |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,861.45 | Jacobs Press |
$1,795.52 | The Printery |
$397.00 | Online Candidate |
$290.50 | Skaneateles Republican Committee |
$127.50 | Data Zapp |
$14.99 | Canva |
$12.00 | Istock |
$8.64 | Twitter Blue |
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