Kimberly Erin Ragazzo
$7,916Total Contributions
$5,000Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$4,730.11 | Michael Eisenkraft |
$3,185.74 | Kimberly Erin Ragazzo |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,135.69 | Michael Eisenkraft |
$1,026.00 | Jlm Design and Communications |
$700.00 | Judge Maritza for Family |
$250.00 | Re-Elect Duffy for Justice |
$198.00 | Burke for Family |
$175.00 | Westchester County Democratic Committee |
$160.00 | White Plains Democratic City Committee |
$150.00 | Brewster for Family |
$150.00 | Cortlandt Democratic Committee |
$150.00 | New Castle Democratic Committee |
Top Personal Contributions
From reports filed by the recipients of these funds, it appears these transactions originated from personal rather than campaign accounts.
Total Contributions | Candidate | Committee |
$3,185.74 | Kimberly Erin Ragazzo | Ragazzo for County Court |
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