Frank Merola
$940Total Contributions
$1,832Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$840.00 | Frank Merola |
$75.00 | Pittstown Republican Committee |
$25.00 | Rlcc |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$195.32 | Rizzos Florist |
$192.00 | Bank of America |
$150.00 | Committee to Reelect Judge Paul Morgan |
$150.00 | Friends of Carmela Mantello |
$125.00 | Cyo |
$110.00 | Committee to Elect Steve Mclaughlin |
$100.00 | Fmba Troy |
$90.00 | North Greenbush Republican Committee |
$90.00 | Rensselaer County Republican Committee |
$90.00 | Troy Republican Committee |
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