Craig Mitchell Warner
$2,010Total Contributions
$1,595Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | Malta Republican Committee |
$250.00 | David Wallingford |
$250.00 | William Carson |
$200.00 | Eric W Czupil |
$150.00 | Vincent Delucia |
$100.00 | Joseph J Didonna |
$100.00 | Maya And Margaret McDonough |
$100.00 | South Shore Marina |
$100.00 | Warner Craig |
$60.00 | William Gorman |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$423.72 | Print Grapghics |
$250.00 | Kelly Ryan |
$200.00 | Friends of Jeremy Messina |
$200.00 | James N Tedisco |
$200.00 | Malta Republican Committee |
$189.00 | Usps 35045500228000511 |
$85.60 | Print and Graphics Group |
$47.10 | Harland Clarke / Chk Order |
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