Christopher C Shambo
$7,033Total Contributions
$4,046Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,799.66 | Christopher Charles Shambo |
$1,208.93 | Christopher C Shambo |
$1,000.00 | Abdella & Sise |
$500.00 | Law Office of Gregory P Garofalo |
$350.00 | Christine E Nicolella Esq |
$250.00 | Courtenay W Hall |
$250.00 | Gilmartin Law Firm |
$250.00 | Pentkowski & Pastore |
$200.00 | Dillon Thomas Murphy |
$200.00 | Elaine Kemp |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$3,168.09 | Miller Printing & Litho Inc |
$421.20 | Mcclary Media Inc |
$266.51 | Aj Signs |
$100.00 | Central Adirondack Association |
$60.00 | Speculator Fire Department |
$30.00 | Steve Stofelano |
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