Benjamin Skomsky
$20,259Total Contributions
$17,357Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$6,679.08 | Benjamin Skomsky |
$4,189.58 | Unitemized Contribution |
$1,000.00 | Matthew Valich |
$1,000.00 | Patricia Burnsskomsky |
$883.58 | Steven Donkey |
$750.00 | Michael Pattison |
$500.00 | Christopher Calabrese |
$498.00 | Gallo and Iacovangelo |
$300.00 | Cheryl Dinolfo |
$300.00 | Fitzsimmons Nunn and Plukas LLP |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$8,865.80 | Monroe County Republican Campaign Cmte |
$2,450.00 | Wahl Media Inc |
$1,669.45 | Ian Winner |
$1,637.60 | Benjamin Skomsky |
$1,050.00 | Jeremiahs Tavern |
$836.00 | Henrietta Republican Commiettee |
$682.28 | Minuteman Press |
$90.45 | Unitemized Contribution |
$75.00 | Friends of Ethan Greene |
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