$2,500.00 |
Paul Vallas
Vallas for Mayor
$1,100.00 |
Monique L Scott
Citizens for Monique Scott
$1,000.00 |
Anna Valencia
Valencia for Chicago
$1,000.00 |
Robyn Gabel
Friends of Robyn Gabel
$750.00 |
Nicole T Lee
Friends of Nicole Lee
$516.45 |
Toni Preckwinkle
Preckwinkle for President
$500.00 |
28th Ward Democratic Organization
$500.00 |
Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
$500.00 |
Elizabeth Hernandez
Citizens for Elizabeth Hernandez
$500.00 |
Fritz Kaegi
Friends for Fritz
$500.00 |
Jesse G Reyes
Committee to Elect Jesse G Reyes
$250.00 |
Alma Anaya
Friends of Alma Anaya
$250.00 |
Andre Vasquez
Neighbors for Andre
$250.00 |
Dennis Deer
Friends of Dennis Deer
$250.00 |
Desmon C Yancy
Friends of Desmon Yancy
$250.00 |
Emanuel Chris Welch
People for Emanuel Chris Welch
$250.00 |
Jason Ervin
Ervin for Committeeman
$250.00 |
Jeylu Gutierrez
Friends of Jeylu Gutierrez
$250.00 |
Kimberly Walz
Friends of Kimberly Walz
$250.00 |
Michael D Rodriguez
Friends of Michael D Rodriguez
$250.00 |
Suresh Reddy
Citizens for Dr Reddy
$250.00 |
Theresa Mah
Friends of Theresa Mah
$240.00 |
24th Ward Democratic Organization