David Upah
$7,064Total Contributions
$6,372Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | Craig Schwartz |
$500.00 | David Upah |
$500.00 | Jake Nolan |
$450.00 | Debbie Vandolah |
$300.00 | Derek Knutsen |
$300.00 | Jeff Harnish |
$250.00 | Joe Hanrahan |
$250.00 | Kaine Enterprises |
$250.00 | Phil Barkdoll |
$250.00 | Ron Tippett |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$3,776.40 | Cedar River Billboard |
$1,121.34 | Jessie Upah |
$824.16 | South Paw Printing |
$315.00 | Vinton Newspaper |
$274.85 | Vinton Livewire |
$60.43 | Emma Upah |
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