Bill Gustoff
$82,878Total Contributions
$21,914Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$9,000.00 | Republican Party of Iowa |
$6,000.00 | Bankers Unite in Legislative Decisions Aka: Build |
$5,000.00 | Great American Comeback |
$4,000.00 | Gary Ruebel |
$3,500.00 | Truck PAC Iowa (Formerly Motor Carriers PAC) |
$3,000.00 | Associated General Contractors of Iowa PAC |
$3,000.00 | Iowa Lawpac |
$3,000.00 | Lemar Koethe |
$2,000.00 | Dale Claudia & Springer |
$2,000.00 | Matthew Edwards |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$7,315.11 | Global Direct Mail and Marketing |
$2,689.50 | Victory Enterprises Inc |
$1,748.66 | Gobal Direct |
$1,335.36 | Great Caterers of Iowa |
$1,208.53 | Brick & Ivy |
$1,176.60 | Etsy |
$954.01 | William R Gustoff PC |
$777.50 | Winred Technical Services LLC |
$496.48 | Fully Promoted |
$475.00 | American Legislative Exchange Council |
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