R. LeWayne Johnson
$529Total Contributions
$27,373Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$100.00 | Dorothee Jean Johnson |
$100.00 | Monica Yvette Johnson |
$100.00 | Phil Giorno |
$51.99 | Irving Reyes |
$50.00 | David Mcdonald |
$26.25 | Jean West |
$26.25 | Michael Murray |
$25.00 | Amanda Cayo |
$25.00 | Gloria Williams |
$25.00 | Mary Wilson |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$6,318.25 | Danny News) Ramos |
$5,363.25 | Danny Ramos News) |
$3,818.25 | Npa News |
$1,950.00 | Danny Npa News |
$1,950.00 | Danny Ramos |
$1,800.00 | Danny Ramos |
$1,781.21 | Florida Department of State Division of Elections |
$1,545.00 | Danny Ramos |
$860.57 | Creative Printing & Publishing |
$621.89 | Creative Printing Services |
Top Loans
Amount | Lender |
$7,500.00 | Robert Johnson |
$5,100.00 | Robert Johnson |
$5,100.00 | Robert Johnson |
$4,000.00 | Robert Johnson |
$3,647.79 | Robert Johnson |
$2,000.00 | Lewayne R Johnson |
$25.00 | Robert Lewayne Johnson |
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