Bob Rommel

$119,610Total Contributions
$69,497Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this candidate’s campaign.

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Total Expenditures
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$24,174.30 Front Line Strategies Inc ENTITY
$19,170.00 K Ballard Consulting LLC ENTITY
$11,699.00 Financial Management PAC ENTITY
$6,416.43 Bob Rommel INDIVIDUAL
$4,500.00 Collier County Republican Executive Committee ENTITY
$2,400.00 Florida Citizens Alliance Inc ENTITY
$1,000.00 Schwab Consulting LLC ENTITY
$77.90 Anedot Inc ENTITY
$37.62 Metz Husband & Daughton PA ENTITY
$12.00 Capital City Consulting LLC ENTITY
$10.00 Floridian Partners LLC ENTITY