Arthur D Oslund
$2,234Total Contributions
$2,941Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$960.00 | Megan Hull |
$530.26 | Oslund |
$288.00 | Blue |
$100.00 | George Fodor |
$96.00 | Edward Oslund |
$62.28 | Lauren Jorgensen |
$34.42 | Oslund |
$23.84 | Brandon Jett |
$23.84 | Gretchen Fodor |
$23.84 | Jack Hannings |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,781.82 | Arthur Oslund |
$757.88 | Inc Hp |
$196.80 | Com Imprint |
$133.56 | Terra Slate |
$40.00 | Kos Daily |
$30.71 | Com Amazon |
$0.16 | LLC Actblue |
$0.12 | Actblue LLC |
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