DRIVE - Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education Federal
Federal Committee
$11,760,714Total Contributions
Also Known As

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Total Contributions
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$11,280,502.45 drive - Dem Rep Ind Voter Ed (the PAC of the Int'l Brhd of Teamsters) WashingtonDC
$235,812.95 Drive Committee WashingtonDC
$145,745.57 drive - Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education (the PAC of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters) WashingtonDC
$57,302.70 Intermediary for Contributions Less than $100: Drive Committee WashingtonDC
$22,000.00 Drive Committee (Fec Id #C00032979) WashingtonDC
$19,500.00 Drive Committee (Fec Id#c00032979) WashingtonDC
$10,600.00 Drive Committee WashingtonDCN/a
$10,250.00 Drive Federal Committee WashingtonDC
$8,250.00 Drive Committee (Fec Id# C00032979) WashingtonDC
$6,500.00 Drive Committee WashongtonDC
$3,500.00 drive - Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education WashingtonDC
$2,500.00 drive - Democrat Republican Independent Voter- Education (the PAC of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters) WashingtonDC
$2,500.00 Drive Committee (Teamsters) WashingtonDC
$2,000.00 Drive- Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education WashingtonDC
$2,000.00 drive-Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education WashingtonDC
$1,500.00 drive - Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education (Drive) WashingtonDC
$1,500.00 Drive Committee C00032979 WashingtonDC