When it comes to the money in Pennsylvania politics, these are the names that you are viewing the most. See the top five entities in each category (Candidates, Donors, PACs, and Payees) that generated the greatest interest in Q3 of 2021.
1. Jeffrey Yass |
2. Aggregated Unitemized Contributions |
3. Commonwealth Leaders Fund |
4. George Soros |
5. Dominion PAC |
1. Conservative Women of the Main Line |
2. Friends of Thaddeus Kirkland |
3. Northeast Leadership Fund |
4. Students First PAC |
5. Commonwealth Leaders Fund |
1. Candace Owens LLC |
2. African Americans for Good Government |
3. Indian Valley First PAC |
4. Northampton County Republican Committee |
5. PNC Bank PAC State |
Lists ranked according to total page views from July 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021.
For the latest from the money in Pennsylvania politics, explore our most recent state-specific coverage here. Looking for more in-depth data? Use our advanced transaction search to access specific date ranges and detailed transaction records for the Candidates, Donors, PACs, or Payees you are interested in.