In Virginia, ActBlue Virginia raised more than any other non-candidate political action committee (PAC) in the 2021 election cycle. According to the most recent campaign finance reports filed with the Virginia Department of Elections, ActBlue Virginia raised $38.86 million and spent $38.86 million between Jan. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31. 2021.
In Virginia politics, donations to ActBlue Virginia represent 20.63 percent of the $188.04 million all Virginia state-level PACs raised. Here are ActBlue Virginia’s top donors and recipients, as reported to the Virginia Department of Elections.
Of the $38,864,163 raised in the 2021 election cycle, 6.52 percent came from ActBlue Virginia’s top 10 donors.
Rank | Total Amount | Donor Name | Donor Type |
1. | $463,700.00 | Leonard A Bennett | Individual |
2. | $364,050.00 | Ronald D Abramson | Individual |
3. | $363,533.34 | Karla Jurvetson | Individual |
4. | $283,500.00 | Robert D Hardie | Individual |
5. | $258,000.00 | Seiu Cope | Individual |
6. | $214,500.00 | Vinton G Cerf | Individual |
7. | $170,000.00 | Robert Linton | Individual |
8. | $155,100.00 | Thomas J McInerney | Individual |
9. | $131,000.00 | James A Hixon | Individual |
10. | $130,860.00 | John P Rathbone | Individual |
On the expenditures side, ActBlue Virginia reported $38,861,830, with 54.55 percent of all spending going to the 10 payees topping the list. Payees include both contribution recipients and vendors, as filed by ActBlue Virginia.
Rank | Total Amount | Payee Name | Payee Type |
1. | $10,396,327.43 | Terry McAuliffe | Entity |
2. | $1,775,128.96 | Jennifer Carroll Foy | Entity |
3. | $1,587,345.52 | Sam Rasoul | Entity |
4. | $1,509,679.32 | Actblue Virginia | Entity |
5. | $1,376,047.33 | Mark Herring | Entity |
6. | $1,267,495.30 | Common Good VA | Entity |
7. | $1,177,642.17 | Hala Ayala | Entity |
8. | $794,730.03 | Jennifer McClellan | Entity |
9. | $705,562.46 | Jerrauld Jay Jones | Entity |
10. | $608,164.30 | Energized for Change PAC | Entity |
The data above are based on campaign finance reports that active Virginia PACs submitted to the Virginia Department of Elections. Federal PACs are not required to report to state agencies. Transparency USA publishes campaign finance data following major reporting deadlines. State or federal law may require filers to submit additional reports.
Report Name | Report Due Date |
2022 Jan Semiannual | 1/15/2022 |
2022 Jul Semiannual (and Post-Primary) | 7/15/2022 |
2023 Jan Semiannual | 1/15/2023 |
This article is a joint publication from Ballotpedia and Transparency USA, who are working together to provide campaign finance information for state-level elections. Learn more about our work here.