Maurice Mercer
$2,526Total Contributions
$891Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,100.00 | Aggregated Unitemized In-Kind Contributions |
$500.00 | AL Midsouth Council |
$250.00 | Marshall Thomas |
$200.00 | Connitta Turner |
$150.00 | Freddrick Williams |
$125.00 | Ramona Sewell |
$101.00 | Alvin Tucker |
$100.08 | Thad Burnett |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$355.00 | Shelby County Newspapers Inc |
$250.00 | Pelham Cheer Booster |
$177.44 | Secretary of State of Alabama |
$108.21 | Name Not Provided |
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