$48,333.33 |
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
$27,025.00 |
Assembly Democratic Camp Comm
$25,250.00 |
State Senate Democratic Committee
$20,000.00 |
Susan M Crawford
Susan Crawford for Wisconsin
$3,500.00 |
Josh Kaul
Kaul for Attorney General
$3,000.00 |
Jodi Habush
Jodi for State Senate
$1,875.00 |
Greta Neubauer
Friends of Greta Neubauer
$1,100.00 |
Lori Palmeri
Palmeri for Assembly
$1,000.00 |
Brad Pfaff
Pfaff for State Senate
$1,000.00 |
Duane Shukoski
Citizens for Duane Shukoski
$1,000.00 |
Jarrod Schroeder
Jarrod for Assembly
$1,000.00 |
Luann Bird
Luann Bird for Assembly
$1,000.00 |
Sara Rodriguez
Sara Rodriguez for Wisconsin
$700.00 |
Vinnie Miresse
Friends of Vincent Miresse
$625.00 |
Bob Tatterson
Tatterson for Wisconsin
$600.00 |
Andi Rich
Citizens for Andi Rich
$500.00 |
Deb Andraca
Friends of Deb Andraca
$500.00 |
Kent Lovern
Friends of Kent Lovern
$400.00 |
Jodi Emerson
Emerson for Assembly
$250.00 |
Ann Roe
Ann Roe for Wisconsin
$250.00 |
Evan Goyke
Goyke for Milwaukee
$250.00 |
John Adams
Adams to the Assembly
$200.00 |
Dana Glasstein
Dana for Wisconsin
$200.00 |
Joe Sheehan
Sheehan for 26th Assembly
$150.00 |
Joseph Wall
Wall for Wisconsin