
$9,167,729Total Contributions
$6,295,152Total Expenditures
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Jennifer N Brecheisen
Republican Party
Walter L Roark
Johanna C Bishop
Meg H Cheshier
Harold J Kohlmann
William W Wheeler
South Carolina House of Representatives District 50
Democratic Party
DSouth Carolina House of Representatives District 50$0.00$559.24
Jon D Humphrey
Brittany Hilbert
John H Barnes
Marion T Pelt
Daniel J Rickenmann
Ryan D Thorne
Sarenia Freincle
David M Claytor
Herman (Butch) G Kirven
Michael C Butler
Phillip E Thompson
Steven W Griffith
Megan P Walsh
Drew Klapko
Joel Rogers
Robert E Rain
David Adams
Gregory S Habib
Perry J Williams