
$109,563,474Total Contributions
$99,660,282Total Expenditures
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Alex R Renzi
Bill Kinne
Jacob Zelmanovitz
Kevin Thomas
Jake Blumencranz
New York State Assembly District 15
Republican Party
RNew York State Assembly District 15$79,483.41$78,484.63
Vedat Gashi
Biju Chacko
Ken Colon
Nina Nichols
Nader J Sayegh
New York State Assembly District 90
Democratic Party
DNew York State Assembly District 90$77,835.00$42,394.60
Jeanine Driscoll
Shawn Smith
Konstantinos Lambropoulos
Bob Gibson
Keith Brown
New York State Assembly District 12
Republican Party
RNew York State Assembly District 12$75,981.30$47,077.77
Noah Burroughs
Working Families Party
Steven D Cohn
Shana Harmongoff
Democratic Party
Karines Reyes
New York State Assembly District 87
Democratic Party
DNew York State Assembly District 87$75,510.11$79,438.98
Christopher P Scanlon
Mike Mcelwee
Deborah Glick
New York State Assembly District 66
Democratic Party
DNew York State Assembly District 66$74,339.16$58,416.16
Yudelka Tapia
New York State Assembly District 86
Democratic Party
DNew York State Assembly District 86$74,129.19$52,141.56
Amish R Doshi
Evelyn Gong