
$23,854,454Total Contributions
$11,913,003Total Expenditures
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Adam Mayberry
Wesley Rice
Benjamin Trotter
Louis Schneider
William Condray
Delgado Lopez
North Las Vegas Constable
NNorth Las Vegas Constable$0.00$2,370.06
Raymond Tulloch
Wesley Henderson
Cokie Booth
Christopher Crawford
Daniel Birkel
Lidia Stiglich
Nevada Supreme Court Seat G
NNevada Supreme Court Seat G$0.00$1,772.50
Tina Rubert-Manzini
Bruce Jabbour
Juanita Martin
Debra Strickland
Stephanie Westbay
Mary Kay Holthus
Nevada 8th Judicial District Court Department 18
NNevada 8th Judicial District Court Department 18$0.00$1,441.38
Matthew Hyde
Katherine Dickerson
Harry Swenson
Tracey Mellard
Sherry Jennings
Tracy Larramendy
Michael Schoenwald