
$14,313,334Total Contributions
$16,646,485Total Expenditures
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Current State Office
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Total Contributions
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Mitchell Mckinney
Terrence Brown
Chad Trammell
David Hester
Karen Burks
Chequetta Johnson
Leonard Millender
Kyle Brown
John Amari
Republican Party
Patrick Davenport
Sheila Hall
Cheryl Hamilton-Long
Winston Foshee
Arnold Mooney
Alabama House of Representatives District 43
Republican Party
RAlabama House of Representatives District 43$3,110.50$30,212.51
Alan Herron
Maxwell Blackmon
Michael Webb
Leann Smith
Susan Jones
Charles Elliott
Talmage Carter
Andrew Hairston
William Hollingsworth
Carey Kirby
Sahid Bahakel