
$14,313,334Total Contributions
$16,646,485Total Expenditures
Check out the race-by-race comparisons for more details.
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Current State Office
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Total Contributions
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Total Expenditures
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Christian Comer
James Roberts
William Scully
Benjamin Bowden
Michael Newell
Spencer Danzey
Huey Mack
Teddy Faust
David Puckett
Steven Carey
William Dunn
Randy Vest
Patrick Ballard
Alabama 10th Judicial Circuit Place 10
Alabama 10th Judicial Circuit Place 10$0.00$2,796.36
Pamela Higgins
Phil Sims
Leon "Burt" Smithart
Marty Gay
Tamara Johnson
Alabama 10th Judicial Circuit Place 22
Alabama 10th Judicial Circuit Place 22$0.00$2,525.00
Dean Odle
Republican Party
Charles Wyckoff
Robert Wilters
Charles Gruber
Henry Sanders
Democratic Party
Ann Gregory
Jeremy Madden