
$170,275,003Total Contributions
$146,817,951Total Expenditures
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Dak Hardwick
Jim McCabe
Mark Dudenhefer
Courtney Doyle
Ron Batliner
Michael Wade
Democratic Party
Amy Laufer
Virginia House of Delegates District 55
Democratic Party
DVirginia House of Delegates District 55$41,720.20$25,545.70
John David Smith
S W Dawson
Ellie Schmidt
McLaren Mac Westland
John Lowry
Don Sloan
Susan L Draper
John Vihstadt
Chris Winslow
Alicia Kallen
Tom Roe
JD Danny Diggs
Virginia State Senate District 24
Republican Party
RVirginia State Senate District 24$37,185.00$35,709.55
Andreas Addison
Sherman Lea
Natalie Short
Democratic Party
TJ Wright
Flourette Ketner
Democratic Party
Tim Grimes