When it comes to the money in North Carolina politics, these are the names that you viewed the most. See the top five entities in each category (Candidates, Donors, PACs, and Payees) that generated the greatest interest in Q4 of 2021.
1. Elaine and Steve A Wordsworth |
2. Aggregated Individual Contribution |
3. Maria C and Robert L Luddy |
4. Elizabeth and Kenneth Beuley |
5. Buying Time Media LLC |
Lists ranked according to total page views from October 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021.
For the latest from the money in North Carolina politics, explore our most recent state-specific coverage here. Looking for more in-depth data? Use our advanced transaction search to access specific date ranges and detailed transaction records for the Candidates, Donors, PACs, or Payees you are interested in.